Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author

Bintan beachventure






One of the joys of living in Singapore… Being able to hop on a ferry for 45 minutes and get somewhere like this.

3 thoughts on “Bintan beachventure

    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      Hey thanks! I’m pretty lucky. I’m honored by the award nomination! I’m up to my eyes in work and being a Southeast Asian tour guide for the next two weeks, so I might not be able to get to it for a bit 😦


      1. phantomwriter143

        My goodness, lady! Get around to it when you can. Poor thing. I hope you become un-busy soon, for the sake of your own rest and sanity. There are no timelines on this award, so no rush. Just find time for yourself if you can! 🙂


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