Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author

Writer friends, are you addicted to writing? I think I have a problem….


bruce-almighty-typing-animated1So here I am on an amazing Thailand and Cambodia with two of my best friends, soon to be joined by my brother and what am I doing? Waking up at like five a.m. to write lol. Writing on the plane. Thinking about my novel on bus rides.

Now give me a break, I did have kind of a major plotting/characterization breakthrough the week before we left and it’s just really bothering me not to be able to work on it. I’m having a fabulous adventure to be sure. Making the most of my Southeast Asia adventures…hanging out on beaches, playing with elephants, attending ladyboy shows, eating lots of amazing food, seeing things like this….


But my novel’s still working through my brain. And then I see things like this in Chiang Mai…. Not going to lie, I wanted to go here…

P1140196The first step is to admit you have a problem, right?

Are you addicted to writing? Do we need to start Writer’s Anonymous?

23 thoughts on “Writer friends, are you addicted to writing? I think I have a problem….

  1. Natacha Guyot

    My brain doesn’t stop. I’m always thinking about my writing: my current or near-future nonfiction/academic projects, my roleplaying characters and even my original fiction that still lurks around though I don’t focus on it these days and try to keep the muses at bay.

    If we start Writers Anonymous, I want a founding member badge.


  2. michellejoycebond

    I’m so there with you–will be going on vacation to the beautiful Caribbean for the first time in my life and know that I’ll be carrying a notebook around. It doesn’t stop, but I think that’s kind of cool because it’s like living two lives at once. I just have to make sure I make eye contact with my husband while he’s speaking and actually listen to what he says or else he’ll bite my head off. 🙂


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      I know!!! I feel kind if bad too. Then I get a little frustrated since I only can work for short spurts and by the time I finally get in the zone I have to stop lol. God if only we can shut off our writer brains. I need to be focusing on the stories I’m making lol!!


  3. lorac888890

    I know exactly how you feel, but we all have other things to do. There are times when I’m out of town and I’ll have a great idea. If I can’t write it down, I’ll be so upset. So, we learn to manage our time in this writing realm of life.


  4. A.D. Martin

    Glad you’re enjoying Southeast Asia. I was there last year. Rather than seeing young monks at Angkor Wat, I saw a monkey steal a bag of fruit from a lady. Good times.


  5. C. Miller

    Hey! Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve stopped by. Things have been hectic here with this new release. Looks like you’ve got some interesting stuff going on!

    I totally get what you’re saying though. I’m always working in my head, even when I’m not actually working. If you have a problem, I’m right there with ya. 😉

    Anyway, I hope you have all sorts of fun on your trip!


  6. mbarkersimpson

    I completely empathise, and (Hi, I’m Melissa, and I’m addicted to writing) – love the writers anonymous idea! The other day, when I was working (translating between two languages is not easy at the best of times), I had this character pop into my head and would not go away. I had no choice but to get her out of there; the fact I was late making tea, missed a deadline, and completely forgot I had a task to complete is proof that writing can often take over my life.

    Great post 🙂


  7. Sarah Oh

    I like the idea of writers Anonymous. Very nice! Yes, I’m addicted to writing too. I can’t help thinking of churning out contents to write and jot them down on my notebook! Hope you’re enjoying thailand!


  8. Sierra

    This is not a bad thing! At least I hope it isn’t because I do it too. Constantly. I’ll be in the middle of something dangerous and/or important and think, “Hm. Wonder how Ero’d do this?” And then go on a tangent from there haha. It’s okay. It’s just you making the most of your time. Pretty good actually. Some writers would just block their stories out while on vacation entirely. Dunno how anyone can manage that though. O.O


  9. Jon Chaisson

    Yup, sounds about right. I can state that I’ve worked on revision in Paris, Hawaii, Yosemite, and other places where I should have been spending more time taking pictures. Mind you, I do let myself enjoy the views…the one downside being my default thought of “…now how can I fit this setting into a novel…?” 😉


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