Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author

Non-writers just don’t understand…. Writer’s High


ImageHave you ever been so in the zone while writing that you looked at your clock and went, crap it’s been four hours? Yeah, I love those days when the words just flow and you can tell it’s amazing stuff flying out of your fingers. I like to call it the writer’s high. Now sometimes that flow gets interrupted by things like dinner plans or obligations to go out with friends….

Really though, I love them all but sometimes I want to be like NOOOO can’t leave, magic happening!

Does this ever happen to you?

39 thoughts on “Non-writers just don’t understand…. Writer’s High

    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      I know! I love it too!! It’s so amazing, the best feeling. I’ve been mostly editing lately so I haven’t had it in awhile :(. Working up to starting the sequel though, so hopefully soon!


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      I know, right? So addicting! Probably part of what keeps me writing, I mean apart from hopefully creating something good to share with the world. If only we could bottle it for use when we have writer’s block!


      1. PaigeRandall

        Oh to bottle it! I am working on this Pavlovian thing. I made a playlist for this book. When I hear it, I am finding the zone easier. A little concerned about keeping the momentum for book two.


  1. brennalayne

    This is so, so true! And I think it must be like this for almost any activity that we enjoy–there are magical days, and they can be few and far between. At some point, I think, if we’re lucky, we finally cross over to a place where we start to find the magic in the grueling days, too. At least, I’m hoping this is where I’m headed. 🙂


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      I’ve found that sometimes when I force myself to write, as I’m going I’ll find like that magic inspirational thought and there it is. Or I’ll just start free writing on what I’m stuck on and then my brain’ll figure something out and then BAM I’m back at it. Or I just go do something else for a while like exercise or chores or something. That often helps me at least 🙂 Happy Writing!


  2. teannadorsey

    This actually happened to me last night. I wrote three times as much as I planned to without realizing it or looking at the clock until it was finished. Best feeling ever.


  3. ecarasella

    It absolutely happens. Some of my creative friends (artists, writers) say they experience the same things when they get in that zone. I blogged about it being a state of dreaming, almost, where you’re awake, but your mind is still freely roaming around that very lucid landscape.


  4. Rachael C Marek

    I compared this feeling once to a runner’s high, but, as I hate to run, I suppose I should’ve used a different comparison. 🙂 I think it’s one of those moments in a writer’s life that we chase after once we’ve had it.


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      Oh, it’s way better than a runner’s high I think. I do run, the longest being a half marathon, and I’ve never had that sensation yet lol. Just pain haha. We definitely chase it as writers though! 🙂


      1. Rachael C Marek

        The mere thought of attempting any type of marathon makes me woozy. Good for you! I recently had a writing sprint, and it felt really good, I could use another one. 🙂


  5. rgdole

    oh I so know this feeling… I’m a night person… so this always hits me it seems around about 10pm… and then it’ll be like 6am before I finally drag myself away to go to bed… but I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have much of a life… not too many people to interrupt me… and my husband is pretty good about it… I’m like I’m busy and so he goes does his own thing… or you know he’s asleep… lol…


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      Haha this happens to me, too! Thank God for understanding husbands 🙂 Though I usually make myself stop around 2 am……. But it’s really hard to shut my brain off.


      1. rgdole

        oh I know… it’s always when I’m trying to go to sleep that my mind likes to start going… and I know I won’t remember it in the morning… so not cool… 😀


  6. pipergustafson

    Easily one of my favorite parts about writing… as a kid, when I first got really into writing (around age 10), I got in trouble for never doing any of my homework, because I would just sit at my computer writing from the time I got home from school until bed-time. It felt almost as good as reading, like I wasn’t totally sure what was going to happen next, but instead of turning the page, I just had to keep writing!

    Incidentally, it has been one of the most elusive things to get back after not writing for a few years. It’s happened a few times, and each time, I always think, “Oh, THAT’S why I’m so addicted to doing this!”


    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      Yeah, it takes me some time to really get back into the swing of writing, too, if I stop for an extended period. But then BAM, there it is and like you said, I remember why I love writing 🙂


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