Sarah J. Carlson

Contemporary Young Adult Author

Finally done gallivanting around America and Australia. Now back to life. Um… I can’t even….


Yeah, I said gallivanting again. I’m bringing it BACK!

So I live in Singapore… About a month ago I had to take an emergency trip back home to Madison, Wisconsin for a funeral. It was an expected passing, no need for apologies. Anyway, the funeral was in Maryland, so old school family road trip ensued, full of fall colors and misadventure. Oh, and that impromptu trip to my high school hometown for me and my friend’s WIP Rafa & Rose!

There for two weeks, back to Singapore for five days, then off to Oz, the land down under! It was like an Australian safari, so many cool animals. Oh, and amazing coastline and mountain climbing. More pics to come. I promise I did NOT ride a motorbike or otherwise injure myself. I came to the realization that I really should journal on on these trips…could be fodder for writing. But then I didn’t. Good story, right?

I actually got quite a lot of writing done. I plotted out Rafa & Rose chapters out through probably the end, wrote a new first chapter, about 5-6 completely new ones, and got started with some earlier revisions. My brain is scattered and crazy, don’t mind me… 😛

My body has no idea what time it is anymore lol.

bunny tiredAnyway, full steam ahead with my full-time, unpaid profession: writing my YA novels.

Here’s what’s on my writing docket:

1) Re-read and comment on four 3000-word writing samples for my new crit group.

klinsmann-celebration-b.w1120.h628New writing friend group hug! So excited to work with them. All of their writing is amazing.

2) Finish going through feedback from my writing partner on Rafa & Rose.

fsaCuz we cool like that.

3) Finish chapter 1 re-write on Rafa & Rose. Oh, and work on three other points in the MS I’m working on simultaneously cuz my brain is….

anigif_enhanced-buzz-19466-1411659787-274) Fix up Hooligans query letter again based on professional feedback then send back for more feedback.

Dexter-GIFs-14This is pretty much what I want to do. I’ve re-worked it so many times, but it must be perfect.

5) Go through feedback from crit partner on first 5 chapters of Hooligans.

frustratedGod, again??? But must be perfect.

6) Continue building my social media empire. I may be stalking through the WordPress reader and twitter feeds, so watch out!

dr-evil-laughingHaha, I’m a friend, not a stalker, right? Promise I’ll just be liking and commenting, not showing up to your house or place of employment :P.

Oh and I should probably do some real-life grown-up stuff like laundry and shopping and cleaning and various other errands to get life back in order.

UPDATE: Oh, and revise my Hooligans synopsis based on professional feedback, so make that seven things… LOL

My fellow writer friends, what are your writing goals for the week?

9 thoughts on “Finally done gallivanting around America and Australia. Now back to life. Um… I can’t even….

    1. sjoycarlson Post author

      It was pretty fantastic vacay, but it’s nice to settle back into a normal routine. Dang, I should make a my day as a writer post!!!! You’ve inspired me! Hope all is going well with you’re writing as well!


  1. Erica Judd

    My plan is to write the draft of my short story so it’ll get out of my head and let me get back to the novel! Four more writing sessions slated for the next five days, everything should go to plan… *crosses everything* 😉
    (PS, I live on the coast in Australia. You jealous??)


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